digRotate Demo

Connect yourself to this demo page, and use Windows LiveWriter to change the content.  Follow these steps:

  1. Download and install Windows Live Writer
  2. Register for a FREE account on dignuke.com
  3. Follow the instructions in our user guide.  For the blog home page, paste the folowing: For [userid], use your dignuke userid, for example &user=digmike
    Rotate Demo    http://dignuke.com/DesktopModules/DigMeta/Site.ashx?portalid=0&meta=4&user=[userid]
    Tabs Demo http://dignuke.com/DesktopModules/DigMeta/Site.ashx?portalid=0&meta=5&user=[userid]
    Flash Demo   http://dignuke.com/DesktopModules/DigMeta/Site.ashx?portalid=0&meta=6&user=[userid]

Please don't post anything illegal or inappropiate.

digRotate Plugin

  • Use digMeta to Add / Edit / Delete content from digRotate.
  • Supports digRotate Tabs, DHTML Rotator, and the Flash Rotator.
  • Tabs and DHTML rotator will use content as entered into Windows Live Writer.
  • For the Flash Rotator, the first image in the Windows Live Writer content will become the image it rotates.  If there is a link around the image, it will use it as the rotate content link.  The image and link will be removed and the remaining HTML will be used as the digRotate caption.
  • Sort order is chosen through the categories.
Rotate Demo

This is some test text for the rotate.


Tabs Demo

This is some test text for the tab.


Flash Demo